Fluorite, Minerva #1 Mine, Hardin County, Illinois

Product Code: fl179

Stock Level: 1

Price: $2,499.99
Minerva #1 Mine
Hardin Co., Illinois
7.23 cm x 5.55 cm x 3.93 cm
ex. Buck Keller Collection
Some pieces are just so hard to let go of, and this is without a doubt one of those.
I sold this about 5 years ago and recently was able to buy it back.
This is one of the most sought-after fluorites from the Minerva #1 Mine,
with its very glassy, high-luster faces and sharp edges mixed with stepped growth.
Very clean, transparent generations of growth, with top zones of purple and blue,
make for a very striking visual.
There is some very slight shatter to a few edges,
but that does not take away from the overall beauty of this piece.
The number on the back side is from the Buck Keller collection;
sadly, the old collection card disappeared some years back.
This amazing specimen comes with a custom milled base from Stone Thrown.