Grossular Garnet with Pectolite on Matrix Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Quebec, Canada

Product Code: gar48
Price: $274.99

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Grossular Garnet with Pectolite on Matrix
Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Quebec, Canada
5.4 cm x 5.0 cm x 2.3 cm
Here is an exceptional specimen from this famous, but closed locale.
The specimen has about a dozen garnets, most very small with pale color.
The two most noticeable garnet are the two beautiful honey colored crystals up to 9 mm.
These garnet are all super clean, gemmy, with very high luster. 
So clean that you can see the matrix through them.
The garnet all sit on a matrix that is covered in micro Pectolite crystals.
The specimen has interesting fluorescence under Longwave.
The pectolite fluorescence white, while the garnet have a dim but noticeable reddish orange color.