Beryl var. Red Beryl, on Rhyolite Matrix, Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, Utah

Product Code: rbk10

Stock Level: 1

Price: $3,249.99
Beryl var. Red Beryl, on Rhyolite Matrix 
Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, Utah
3.6 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.0 cm
Here is a really nice and unusual specimen of Red Beryl crystals on Rhyolite Matrix.
The Only locale for gem quality red beryl, and crystals this large is the Wah Wah Mountains in Utah.
The hexagonal crystals have good form and the two smaller ones have well terminated ends.
The specimens has a unique gemmy streak running through the large crystals that you can follow from one side to the other.
All the crystals have rhyolite inclusion to some extent. 
The smaller crystals show gemmy sides face up, while the largest crystal, which measures 1.68 cm across,
has a very gemmy side face down in the rhyolite, but is visible.
Overall a very nice specimen with larger than normal crystals.