Sphalerite & Calcite, Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 4075' level, Balmat, New York

Product Code: sph12

Stock Level: 1

Price: $149.99
Sphalerite & Calcite
Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 4075' level
Balmat, New York
5.48 cm x 3.2 cm x 3.0 cm
Here is a beautiful large miniature size specimen of sphalerite with calcite from this amazing locale.
This specimens comes from the deeper 4075' level.
Quite an interesting multi layered looking specimen.
The base is a dense piece of calcite, the is snowy white in color with just a hint of pink.
Just on top of that is a layer of very dark colored sphalerite mixed with pyrite and I am sure some zinc as well.
Atop of that is a layer of honey colored sphalerite, some are contacted and others are poorly formed.
Then on top of that, what catches your eye, is a group of orange colored sphalerite crystals.
Not many orange sphalerite has been found at the mine.
They are quite gemmy and most are fully formed, but some did not form well.
Lastly, among the sphalerite appear to be 2 small colorless andydrite crystals.
All of the calcite on the specimen fluoresces bright pink coloring under longwave UV lighting.