Historical Specimen

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Rose Quartz, Custer County, South Dakota, Historic "Foote" label


Rose Quartz, Custer County, South Dakota, Historic "Foote" label

Product Code: rqf12


Rose Quartz (Historic "Foote" Label) Custer County, South Dakota 7.1 cm x 5.6 cm x 4.4   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the time of his death, he had the largest cataloged collection of minerals,… More info

Rose Quartz (Historic "Foote" Label) Custer County, South Dakota 7.1 cm x 5.6 cm x 4.4   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the time of his death, he had the largest cataloged collection of minerals,… More info

Cinnabar, Alameda County, California, Historic "Foote" label


Cinnabar, Alameda County, California, Historic "Foote" label

Product Code: cinf12


Cinnabar (Historic "Foote" Label) Alameda County, California 7.1 cm x 5.6 cm 2.9 cm   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the time of his death, he had the largest cataloged collection of mi… More info

Cinnabar (Historic "Foote" Label) Alameda County, California 7.1 cm x 5.6 cm 2.9 cm   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the time of his death, he had the largest cataloged collection of mi… More info

Amazonite (Amazon Stone), 2 pieces, Pikes Peak, CO, (Historic " A. E. Foote" label)


Amazonite (Amazon Stone), 2 pieces, Pikes Peak, CO, (Historic " A. E. Foote" label)

Product Code: amf12


 Amazonite (Amazon Stone), 2 pieces (Historic "A.E. Foote" label" Pikes Peak, Colorado 6.0 cm x 5.4 cm x 3.5 cm, 7.0 cm x 5.1 cm x 4.4 cm   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the … More info

 Amazonite (Amazon Stone), 2 pieces (Historic "A.E. Foote" label" Pikes Peak, Colorado 6.0 cm x 5.4 cm x 3.5 cm, 7.0 cm x 5.1 cm x 4.4 cm   Here is a wonderful piece of Mineral Collecting History.   Albert Edward Foote, [1846–1895], M. D., Naturalist, was one of America's most famous early mineral dealers. By the … More info

Adularia, variety of K Feldspar, Maderanatal, Kantan Uri, Switzerland



Adularia, variety of K Feldspar, Maderanatal, Kantan Uri, Switzerland

Product Code: adu14



Adularia, variety of K Feldspar Maderanatal, Kantan Uri, Switzerland 4.0 cm x 3.7 cm x 4.3 cm   Here is a unique specimen of this Orthoclase variety. This specimen has some great provenance, with it's earliest label being a fragile Columbia University label from turn of the century. These are usually found in Alpine pegmatites.  The specimen is light… More info

Adularia, variety of K Feldspar Maderanatal, Kantan Uri, Switzerland 4.0 cm x 3.7 cm x 4.3 cm   Here is a unique specimen of this Orthoclase variety. This specimen has some great provenance, with it's earliest label being a fragile Columbia University label from turn of the century. These are usually found in Alpine pegmatites.  The specimen is light… More info

Historical Amazonite Specimen, Colorado, with L.W. Stilwell Label



Historical Amazonite Specimen, Colorado, with L.W. Stilwell Label

Product Code: amz2



Historic Microline var. Amazonstone / Amazonite Florissant, Teller County, Colorado 7.55 cm x 7.77 cm x 4.40 cm ex. L.W. Stilwell specimen, ex. Ward's specimen, ex. Hauck Coll. ex. Breck Kent Coll., ex Natural Selection Crystals specimen Here is an great, very old specimen of Amazonite with some pretty amazing provenance. When first found, it was known as Amazonstone as… More info

Historic Microline var. Amazonstone / Amazonite Florissant, Teller County, Colorado 7.55 cm x 7.77 cm x 4.40 cm ex. L.W. Stilwell specimen, ex. Ward's specimen, ex. Hauck Coll. ex. Breck Kent Coll., ex Natural Selection Crystals specimen Here is an great, very old specimen of Amazonite with some pretty amazing provenance. When first found, it was known as Amazonstone as… More info

Historic Sulfur Specimen, Calusa County, CA., Collected 1843, ex. W.W. Jefferis coll., ex. Carnegie Museum Collection



Historic Sulfur Specimen, Calusa County, CA., Collected 1843, ex. W.W. Jefferis coll., ex. Carnegie Museum Collection

Product Code: sulf5



Here is an amazing Historic Specimen of Sulfur, from of all places California, Calusa County to be exact. Although California is not known for it's sulfur deposits, there was a time during the 1800's that is was mined in this state. This specimen was acquired in 1843 by one of the most well known collectors of the time, W.W. Jefferis. His own collection label (which comes with t… More info

Here is an amazing Historic Specimen of Sulfur, from of all places California, Calusa County to be exact. Although California is not known for it's sulfur deposits, there was a time during the 1800's that is was mined in this state. This specimen was acquired in 1843 by one of the most well known collectors of the time, W.W. Jefferis. His own collection label (which comes with t… More info

Pyromorphite, Usingen, Nassau, Germany, Europe, Historic Provenance



Pyromorphite, Usingen, Nassau, Germany, Europe, Historic Provenance

Product Code: pyro1



Pyromorphite Usingen, Nassau, Germany, Europe 5.4 cm x 4.7 cm x 4.5 cm   Where do I begin to tell the story of such an exceptional specimen with quite the history to it!   This amazing specimen of Pyromorphite comes with a "Krantz & Comp. in Berlin" label, which date this specimen sometime between 1837 - 1850. That is when he sold his specimen… More info

Pyromorphite Usingen, Nassau, Germany, Europe 5.4 cm x 4.7 cm x 4.5 cm   Where do I begin to tell the story of such an exceptional specimen with quite the history to it!   This amazing specimen of Pyromorphite comes with a "Krantz & Comp. in Berlin" label, which date this specimen sometime between 1837 - 1850. That is when he sold his specimen… More info

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