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Rosasite in Calcite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico


Rosasite in Calcite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico

Product Code: cr101


Rosasite in Calcite Ojuela Mine Mapimi, Durango, Mexico 4.66 cm x 2.44 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is a very interesting specimen of Rosasite on matrix, covered in clear calcite. On one side the the specimen, are crystals of colorless calcite that are mostly well formed. On the other side is Rosasite in botryoidal form, that is clear coated with calcite. Although the ca… More info

Rosasite in Calcite Ojuela Mine Mapimi, Durango, Mexico 4.66 cm x 2.44 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is a very interesting specimen of Rosasite on matrix, covered in clear calcite. On one side the the specimen, are crystals of colorless calcite that are mostly well formed. On the other side is Rosasite in botryoidal form, that is clear coated with calcite. Although the ca… More info

Calcite, Manganese - bearing, N'Chwaning Mines, Kalahari Manganese Field, S. A.


Calcite, Manganese - bearing, N'Chwaning Mines, Kalahari Manganese Field, S. A.

Product Code: cmb2


Calcite, Manganese - bearing N'Chwaning Mines Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 2.6 cm x 2.2 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is an amazing large thumbnail size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite. The soft pink color of this mineral, makes for an attractive specimen. Being Manganese - bearing, makes this a very fluorescent specimen.… More info

Calcite, Manganese - bearing N'Chwaning Mines Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 2.6 cm x 2.2 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is an amazing large thumbnail size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite. The soft pink color of this mineral, makes for an attractive specimen. Being Manganese - bearing, makes this a very fluorescent specimen.… More info

Cobaltoan Calcite, Mashamba West Mine, Lualaba Democratic Republic of Congo


Cobaltoan Calcite, Mashamba West Mine, Lualaba Democratic Republic of Congo

Product Code: calc8


Cobaltoan Calcite Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba Democratic Republic of Congo 6.72 cm x 5.3 cm x 4.3 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of burgandy & pink colored Cobaltoan Calcite on matrix. The thousands of tiny calcite crystal seem to float over and within the matrix giving it a very sparkly druze look to it. There is minor malachite … More info

Cobaltoan Calcite Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba Democratic Republic of Congo 6.72 cm x 5.3 cm x 4.3 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of burgandy & pink colored Cobaltoan Calcite on matrix. The thousands of tiny calcite crystal seem to float over and within the matrix giving it a very sparkly druze look to it. There is minor malachite … More info

Amethyst & Calcite, Guanajuato Municipality, Guanajuato, Mexico


Amethyst & Calcite, Guanajuato Municipality, Guanajuato, Mexico

Product Code: am21


Amethyst & Calcite Guanajuato Municipality Guanajuato, Mexico 4.7 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.5 cm   Here is a really nice specimen of calcite on amethyst from this locale. Beautiful pale purple crystals of amethyst, host a single large "poker chip" crystal of calcite. There are a few smaller calcite crystals among the amethyst as well. Quite an aesthetic … More info

Amethyst & Calcite Guanajuato Municipality Guanajuato, Mexico 4.7 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.5 cm   Here is a really nice specimen of calcite on amethyst from this locale. Beautiful pale purple crystals of amethyst, host a single large "poker chip" crystal of calcite. There are a few smaller calcite crystals among the amethyst as well. Quite an aesthetic … More info

Fluorapatite on Calcite Otter Lake, Pontiac RCM, Outaouais, Québec, Canada


Fluorapatite on Calcite Otter Lake, Pontiac RCM, Outaouais, Québec, Canada

Product Code: ap11


Fluorapatite on Calcite Otter Lake, Pontiac RCM, Outaouais, Québec, Canada 7.5 cm x 4.75 cm x 4.3 cm Here is a very nice specimen from this locale.  Present is a large, single, Double Terminated crystals of green fluorapatite on a matrix of salmon colored calcite. The apatite measures approx. 7.1 cm x 1.4 cm x 1.45 cm, a pretty large DT example. The co… More info

Fluorapatite on Calcite Otter Lake, Pontiac RCM, Outaouais, Québec, Canada 7.5 cm x 4.75 cm x 4.3 cm Here is a very nice specimen from this locale.  Present is a large, single, Double Terminated crystals of green fluorapatite on a matrix of salmon colored calcite. The apatite measures approx. 7.1 cm x 1.4 cm x 1.45 cm, a pretty large DT example. The co… More info

Strontianite, Calcite & Fluorite, Minerva #1 Mine, Hardin County, Illinois


Strontianite, Calcite & Fluorite, Minerva #1 Mine, Hardin County, Illinois

Product Code: fl248


Strontianite, Calcite & Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin County, Illinois 5.0 cm x 3.2 cm x 1.4 cm   Here is an interesting multi mineral specimen from this famous fluorite locality. One one side you find small but very sharp crystal of whitish Strontianite that appear to have micro chalcopyrite throughout. On the other side are micro crystals of druzy purple… More info

Strontianite, Calcite & Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin County, Illinois 5.0 cm x 3.2 cm x 1.4 cm   Here is an interesting multi mineral specimen from this famous fluorite locality. One one side you find small but very sharp crystal of whitish Strontianite that appear to have micro chalcopyrite throughout. On the other side are micro crystals of druzy purple… More info

Cobaltoan Calcite, Likasa, Katanga, Dem. Rep. of Congo


Cobaltoan Calcite, Likasa, Katanga, Dem. Rep. of Congo

Product Code: calc10


Cobaltoan Calcite Likasa, Katanga, Dem. Rep. of Congo 10.83 cm x 5.82 cm x 4.50 cm   Here is a beautiful cabinet size specimen of this Cobalt-bearing Calcite on matrix. Crystal from micros up to 4 mm cover the front side of this matrix. The color is some of the deepest I have seen. Hard to describe the red color, but the crystals all have electric pink edge… More info

Cobaltoan Calcite Likasa, Katanga, Dem. Rep. of Congo 10.83 cm x 5.82 cm x 4.50 cm   Here is a beautiful cabinet size specimen of this Cobalt-bearing Calcite on matrix. Crystal from micros up to 4 mm cover the front side of this matrix. The color is some of the deepest I have seen. Hard to describe the red color, but the crystals all have electric pink edge… More info

Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite, N'Chwaning Mine lll , South Africa


Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite, N'Chwaning Mine lll , South Africa

Product Code: ck14


Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite N'Chwaning Mine lll Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 4.7 cm x 3.3 cm x 2.2 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing miniature size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite over the uncommon mineral Kutnohorite. The soft pink color of these two minerals, makes for an attractive specimen. … More info

Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite N'Chwaning Mine lll Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 4.7 cm x 3.3 cm x 2.2 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing miniature size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite over the uncommon mineral Kutnohorite. The soft pink color of these two minerals, makes for an attractive specimen. … More info

Calcite, Double Terminated, Pugh Quarry, Wood County, Ohio


Calcite, Double Terminated, Pugh Quarry, Wood County, Ohio

Product Code: calc11


Calcite, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix Pugh Quarry Wood County, Ohio 6.3 cm x 4.0 cm x 3.6 cm    Here is a beautiful specimen of Calcite crystals on matrix. These Honey colored scalenohedral crystals are as perfect as you can find them. Deep, beautiful color, perfect terminated ends, Double termination. The two inter-grown crystals are just offs… More info

Calcite, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix Pugh Quarry Wood County, Ohio 6.3 cm x 4.0 cm x 3.6 cm    Here is a beautiful specimen of Calcite crystals on matrix. These Honey colored scalenohedral crystals are as perfect as you can find them. Deep, beautiful color, perfect terminated ends, Double termination. The two inter-grown crystals are just offs… More info

Calcite with Malachite, Concepción del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico


Calcite with Malachite, Concepción del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico

Product Code: cal22


Calcite with Malachite Concepción del Oro, Concepción del Oro Municipality Zacatecas, Mexico 5.2 cm x 4.0 cm x 3.5 cm    Here is a really nice specimen of Calcite and Malachite. Said to have been mined back in the 1970's. Beautiful ice clear calcite crystals that have botryoidal mounds of malachite, not only on top of the crystals, but… More info

Calcite with Malachite Concepción del Oro, Concepción del Oro Municipality Zacatecas, Mexico 5.2 cm x 4.0 cm x 3.5 cm    Here is a really nice specimen of Calcite and Malachite. Said to have been mined back in the 1970's. Beautiful ice clear calcite crystals that have botryoidal mounds of malachite, not only on top of the crystals, but… More info

Calcite on Galena, Picher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma


Calcite on Galena, Picher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma

Product Code: calc23


Calcite on Galena Picher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma 4.7 cm x 3.5 cm x 3.2 cm   Here is a beautiful large miniature specimen of Calcite on Galena from a locale not often seen. Two transparent honey colored calcite crystals sit perched atop a few galena crystals. The calcite have very complex terminations and are just perfect all the way around. There are also one o… More info

Calcite on Galena Picher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma 4.7 cm x 3.5 cm x 3.2 cm   Here is a beautiful large miniature specimen of Calcite on Galena from a locale not often seen. Two transparent honey colored calcite crystals sit perched atop a few galena crystals. The calcite have very complex terminations and are just perfect all the way around. There are also one o… More info

Calcite on Barite Stalactite, Minerva #1 Mine, Hardin County, Illinois


Calcite on Barite Stalactite, Minerva #1 Mine, Hardin County, Illinois

Product Code: cb12


Calcite on Barite Stalactite Minerva #1 Mine  Hardin County, Illinois 7.9 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.3 cm   Here is an unusual and beautiful specimen of Calcite and Barite from this famous fluorite locality. This is a stalactite growth of barite crystals of multi generations, some are white, colorless, and some have a hint of blue color to them. They are covered with … More info

Calcite on Barite Stalactite Minerva #1 Mine  Hardin County, Illinois 7.9 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.3 cm   Here is an unusual and beautiful specimen of Calcite and Barite from this famous fluorite locality. This is a stalactite growth of barite crystals of multi generations, some are white, colorless, and some have a hint of blue color to them. They are covered with … More info

Calcite, Empire Zinc Mine #4 3970' level, Balmat, New York


Calcite, Empire Zinc Mine #4 3970' level, Balmat, New York

Product Code: calc20


Calcite  Empire Zinc Mine #4 3970' level Balmat, New York 9.0 cm x 6.9 cm x 6.0 cm   This is a beautiful calcite specimen from this locale. Here is a wonderful small cabinet size cluster of inter - grown and twinned Calcite crystals. The overall specimen is a mix of translucent to transparent crystals. At the core of the specimen, it is honey co… More info

Calcite  Empire Zinc Mine #4 3970' level Balmat, New York 9.0 cm x 6.9 cm x 6.0 cm   This is a beautiful calcite specimen from this locale. Here is a wonderful small cabinet size cluster of inter - grown and twinned Calcite crystals. The overall specimen is a mix of translucent to transparent crystals. At the core of the specimen, it is honey co… More info

Calcite & Chalcopyrite, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa, USA (Cab)


Calcite & Chalcopyrite, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa, USA (Cab)

Product Code: cali5


Calcite & Chalcopyrite, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa, USA 13.77 cm x 9.63 cm x 9.2 cm   Beautiful cabinet size specimen of mostly water clear calcite over chalcopyrite on a calcite and dolomite matrix. The Chalcopyrite is mostly bright gold with areas of iridescence. Amazingly clear calcite growth over the chalcopyrite. Only damaged crystals noted near the edge of the specim… More info

Calcite & Chalcopyrite, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa, USA 13.77 cm x 9.63 cm x 9.2 cm   Beautiful cabinet size specimen of mostly water clear calcite over chalcopyrite on a calcite and dolomite matrix. The Chalcopyrite is mostly bright gold with areas of iridescence. Amazingly clear calcite growth over the chalcopyrite. Only damaged crystals noted near the edge of the specim… More info

Barite on Calcite, Elk Creek, Meade County, South Dakota


Barite on Calcite, Elk Creek, Meade County, South Dakota

Product Code: ec12


Barite on Calcite Elk Creek, Meade County, South Dakota 10.8 cm x 6.24 x 5.48   A beautiful example from this wonderful locale. Many generation of growth visible. Large single "rootbeer" colored barite crystal present on a covering of honey colored calcite which is all over a botryoidal layer. Just an amazing showy specimen.     … More info

Barite on Calcite Elk Creek, Meade County, South Dakota 10.8 cm x 6.24 x 5.48   A beautiful example from this wonderful locale. Many generation of growth visible. Large single "rootbeer" colored barite crystal present on a covering of honey colored calcite which is all over a botryoidal layer. Just an amazing showy specimen.     … More info

Calcite and Celestine, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio


Calcite and Celestine, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio

Product Code: cc12


Calcite and Celestine, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio 3.54 cm x 2.1 cm x 1.7 cm    Here is a absolutely beautiful specimen of blue Celestine crystals and Calcite crystals on matrix! Even though this was mounted on edge by its original owner to fit in a Perky box, mounted as seen here, it does not. So call it a small miniature or extr… More info

Calcite and Celestine, Double Terminated Crystals on matrix Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio 3.54 cm x 2.1 cm x 1.7 cm    Here is a absolutely beautiful specimen of blue Celestine crystals and Calcite crystals on matrix! Even though this was mounted on edge by its original owner to fit in a Perky box, mounted as seen here, it does not. So call it a small miniature or extr… More info

Calcite on Basalt, Grabiszyce Quarry, Grabiszyce, Lubań County, Poland


Calcite on Basalt, Grabiszyce Quarry, Grabiszyce, Lubań County, Poland

Product Code: calc21


Calcite on Basalt Grabiszyce Quarry Grabiszyce Średnie, Gmina Leśna, Lubań County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland 13.46 cm x 11.95 cm x 5.80 cm, 808 g.     From a 2015 find in Poland, these are such eye-catching and unique calcite from the Grabiszyce Quarry. The specimen were actually collected starting in 2015, but they were not revealed to the … More info

Calcite on Basalt Grabiszyce Quarry Grabiszyce Średnie, Gmina Leśna, Lubań County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland 13.46 cm x 11.95 cm x 5.80 cm, 808 g.     From a 2015 find in Poland, these are such eye-catching and unique calcite from the Grabiszyce Quarry. The specimen were actually collected starting in 2015, but they were not revealed to the … More info

Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite, N'Chwaning Mine lll , South Africa


Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite, N'Chwaning Mine lll , South Africa

Product Code: ck12


Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite N'Chwaning Mine lll Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 4.4 cm x 4.2 cm x 2.0 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing miniature size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite over the uncommon mineral Kutnohorite. The soft pink color of these two minerals, makes for an attractive specimen. … More info

Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite N'Chwaning Mine lll Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field Northern Cape, South Africa 4.4 cm x 4.2 cm x 2.0 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing miniature size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite over the uncommon mineral Kutnohorite. The soft pink color of these two minerals, makes for an attractive specimen. … More info

Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite, Chihuahua, Mexico


Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite, Chihuahua, Mexico

Product Code: cf12


Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 6.0 cm x 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm   Here is a really interesting specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, small calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of a grouping of … More info

Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 6.0 cm x 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm   Here is a really interesting specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, small calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of a grouping of … More info

Calcite, Manganoan Calcite, Hausmannite, Bultfonteinite, N'Chwaning Mine, S. A.


Calcite, Manganoan Calcite, Hausmannite, Bultfonteinite, N'Chwaning Mine, S. A.

Product Code: calc12


Calcite, Manganoan Calcite, Bultfonteinite, Hausmannite N'Chwaning Mine  Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa 8.3 cm x 4.5 cm x 2.9 cm ex. William Wilson collection   Here is a very unique multi mineral specimen from this famed locale. I call this one "THE ARCH" The archway is made of Calcite scalenohedron crystal… More info

Calcite, Manganoan Calcite, Bultfonteinite, Hausmannite N'Chwaning Mine  Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa 8.3 cm x 4.5 cm x 2.9 cm ex. William Wilson collection   Here is a very unique multi mineral specimen from this famed locale. I call this one "THE ARCH" The archway is made of Calcite scalenohedron crystal… More info

Calcite on Matrix Portland Mine, Black Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona


Calcite on Matrix Portland Mine, Black Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona

Product Code: calc7


Calcite on Matrix Portland Mine, Lost Cabin Wash, Pilgrim District, Black Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona 12 cm x 8.5 cm x 6.5 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of hexagonal calcite crystals on matrix. Not often you see specimens such as this from this old gold mine.  Great overall coverage of colorless to slightly off white hexagonal calcite crystal up to approx. … More info

Calcite on Matrix Portland Mine, Lost Cabin Wash, Pilgrim District, Black Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona 12 cm x 8.5 cm x 6.5 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of hexagonal calcite crystals on matrix. Not often you see specimens such as this from this old gold mine.  Great overall coverage of colorless to slightly off white hexagonal calcite crystal up to approx. … More info

Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite, Chihuahua, Mexico


Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite, Chihuahua, Mexico

Product Code: cf14


Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 4.0 cm x 3.4 cm x 2.3 cm   Here is a wonderfully aesthetic specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of… More info

Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 4.0 cm x 3.4 cm x 2.3 cm   Here is a wonderfully aesthetic specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of… More info

Sphalerite & Calcite, Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level, Balmat, New York


Sphalerite & Calcite, Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level, Balmat, New York

Product Code: sc11


Sphalerite & Calcite Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level Balmat, New York 5.1 cm x 4.1 cm x 2.6 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of sphalerite with calcite from this amazing newer discovery. This small cabinet size specimen is filled with beautiful gemmy crystals of golden yellow sphalerite on top of and within crystals of calcite. There are all on a… More info

Sphalerite & Calcite Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level Balmat, New York 5.1 cm x 4.1 cm x 2.6 cm   Here is a beautiful specimen of sphalerite with calcite from this amazing newer discovery. This small cabinet size specimen is filled with beautiful gemmy crystals of golden yellow sphalerite on top of and within crystals of calcite. There are all on a… More info

Barite w/ Calcite, Stoneham Quarry, Weld County, Colorado


Barite w/ Calcite, Stoneham Quarry, Weld County, Colorado

Product Code: bar3


Here is one amazing cabinet size specimen of Barite with Calcite. This specimen of Blue barite comes from the Stoneham Quarry, Weld County, Colorado. If you know this material from this locale, then you know the matrix falls apart very easily. Normally loose crystals or clusters of crystals are found or for sale, very rarely do large specimens come to market that have not been stabilized ar… More info

Here is one amazing cabinet size specimen of Barite with Calcite. This specimen of Blue barite comes from the Stoneham Quarry, Weld County, Colorado. If you know this material from this locale, then you know the matrix falls apart very easily. Normally loose crystals or clusters of crystals are found or for sale, very rarely do large specimens come to market that have not been stabilized ar… More info

Classic Calcite on Matrix Specimen , Egremont, England, (CAB)


Classic Calcite on Matrix Specimen , Egremont, England, (CAB)

Product Code: cal1


Here for sale is an old classic out of an old collection. This is a cabinet size plate of Calcite Crystals on Matrix from Egremont, Cumberland, England.     Specimens from this locale do not come to market that often.    This showy plate of frosty to clear calcite crystals is in very good condition. Only two s… More info

Here for sale is an old classic out of an old collection. This is a cabinet size plate of Calcite Crystals on Matrix from Egremont, Cumberland, England.     Specimens from this locale do not come to market that often.    This showy plate of frosty to clear calcite crystals is in very good condition. Only two s… More info

Calcite (Classic Material), Bisbee, Arizona


Calcite (Classic Material), Bisbee, Arizona

Product Code: calc6


Calcite (Classic Material),  Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona 7.3 cm x 7.1 cm x 5.7 cm Here is an amazing old time classic Calcite from this famous mining district in Bisbee.  It features highly modified, translucent, dogtooth like scalenohedral crystals on matrix, which create a very showy and 3D looking specimen. No damage that I… More info

Calcite (Classic Material),  Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona 7.3 cm x 7.1 cm x 5.7 cm Here is an amazing old time classic Calcite from this famous mining district in Bisbee.  It features highly modified, translucent, dogtooth like scalenohedral crystals on matrix, which create a very showy and 3D looking specimen. No damage that I… More info

Calcite with Dioptase Inclusions, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia


Calcite with Dioptase Inclusions, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia

Product Code: cdh1


Calcite with Dioptase Inclusions Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia 8.9 cm x 6.0 cm x 3.2 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing specimen from the famous Tsumeb mine. This is a cluster of colorless and clear calcite crystals with high luster faces, some show twinning and most are inter-grown. These calcite rhombohedral crystals are included wit… More info

Calcite with Dioptase Inclusions Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia 8.9 cm x 6.0 cm x 3.2 cm   Out of an old collection, comes this amazing specimen from the famous Tsumeb mine. This is a cluster of colorless and clear calcite crystals with high luster faces, some show twinning and most are inter-grown. These calcite rhombohedral crystals are included wit… More info

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