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Product Code: flp12
Fluorite pieces from Mexico Multi colored, Highly Fluorescent. Pieces average approx. 1 to 2 inches each / 2.4 cm to 5 cm each Random pour, $25 per pound "Selling by the pound only!" 1 Pound = approx. 24 pieces Here is a some beautiful multi colored fluorite from Mexico that is very highly fluorescent! Beautiful color… More info
Product Code: fl141
Rogerley Mine Fluorite, County Durham, England 3.2 cm x 2.1 cm Here is a really nice miniature specimen of fluorite from the Rogerley Mine. It is mounted and has a great look. Has nice daylight blue fluorescence. Crystals are twinned and inter-grown. Only very minor micro chipping present on a few crystals, very hard to see. … More info
Product Code: fl207
Fluorite La Lupita Mine Navidad, Durango, Mexico 6.62 cm x 4.4 cm x 3.6 cm Here is a very interesting specimen from this fairly new, and unlisted mine in Mexico. The mine must be located near the Navidad Mine, as the matrix is very similar as is the fluorite, except this fluorite is purple and not pink. Here you have well etched crystals of p… More info
Product Code: fl247
Fluorite & Calcite 2nd Chance Mine Tombstone, Tombstone Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona 3.4 cm x 2.8 cm x 1.5 cm Here is a really nice miniature specimen of Fluorite on Calcite from the Tombstone mining district. The fluorite is a pinkish purple coloring, over snowy white to clear micro calcite crystals. The back appears to be a cast, which has a … More info
Product Code: fl245
Fluorite Auglaize Quarry Junction, Paulding County, Ohio 3.8 cm x 3.0 cm x 2.1 cm Here is a wonderful miniature size specimen of multi colored fluorite. There are two generations of fluorite formation present, within vug in this piece of limestone matrix. The first is a layer of brown colored fluorite. Then the second is a layer of purple fluorite that has a i… More info
Product Code: fl208
Fluorite with Celestine Stoneco White Rock Quarry Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio 2.7 cm x 2.0 cm x 2.0 cm Here is a great clay center specimen. The cube of fluorite has a few crystals of celestine visibly through it. The fluorite is lighter in color than many from this locale, and many zones can more easily be seen within. It is not a perfect… More info
Product Code: fl202
Fluorite, "Dissolution Corner" Elmwood Mine, Smith County, Tennessee 4.8 cm x 2.1 cm x 1.4 cm This is one beautiful piece of etched fluorite corner from this famous mine. It is on the smaller side, but is completely etch with very shard features. The dark spots seen are sphalerite inclusions. … More info
Product Code: fl248
Strontianite, Calcite & Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin County, Illinois 5.0 cm x 3.2 cm x 1.4 cm Here is an interesting multi mineral specimen from this famous fluorite locality. One one side you find small but very sharp crystal of whitish Strontianite that appear to have micro chalcopyrite throughout. On the other side are micro crystals of druzy purple… More info
Product Code: fl225
Fluorite on Matrix Pasta Bueno, Ancash, Peru 6.38 cm x 5.18 cm x 4.70 cm Here is a wonderful fluorite specimen from Peru. It has a single octahedral crystal of fluorite, perched atop of the matrix. The coloring is green with a hint of blue. The crystal has great octahedral form overall, the back side is contacted where it was attached to the matrix… More info
Product Code: wit101
Witherite on Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine, Cave-in-Rock District, Illinois 7.1 cm x 6.7 cm x 4.4 cm, 160.2 g Here is a very special specimen of Witherite with Fluorite. This specimen is very heavily etched all around except for one area on the bottom where blue fluorite appears to be the original point of contact. The whitish colored crystals stand out against t… More info
Product Code: cb12
Calcite on Barite Stalactite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin County, Illinois 7.9 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.3 cm Here is an unusual and beautiful specimen of Calcite and Barite from this famous fluorite locality. This is a stalactite growth of barite crystals of multi generations, some are white, colorless, and some have a hint of blue color to them. They are covered with … More info
Product Code: fl148
Fluorite on Quartz, Akchatau Mine, Akchatau, Karagandy Prov., Kazakhstan 6.65 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.3 cm, 100.9 grams Here is a very special specimen of Fluorite over Quartz. The fluorite is such a dark purple it looks almost black. The Octohedron are mostly inter-grown and range from thousands of micro sized crystals in a druzy coating to the large ones at the top which me… More info
Product Code: fl151
Fluorite w/ Galena Rogerley Mine, County Durham, England 13 cm x 9.8 cm x 6.6 cm, 630 gr. Here is a nice larger specimen of Fluorite with Galena from the famed Rogerley Mine. Very high UV fluorescence as with most fluorite from the region. This piece does not have a lot of daylight fluorescence, the blue color is very light which washes out the green … More info
Product Code: gal12
Galena and Sphalerite on Druzy Quartz coated Dolomite Elmwood Mine Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee 3.0 cm x 3.5 cm x 2.8 cm Here is a wonderfully aesthetic specimen from the Elmwood Mine. Amazing inter-grown cubes of silvery Galena sit atop of crystals of sphalerite, that are perched on a stem of dolomite that is coated in a micro quartz druze. These tin… More info
Product Code: fl101
Fluorite w/ Quartz Druze, Riemvasmaak, South Africa 6.75 cm x 5.0 cm x 4.2 cm Beautiful Penetration twinning of these natural green octohedral fluorite crystals, create a flower of crystals surrounded by white quartz crystal druze. Very bright blue fluorescence under U.V. lighting. Some amazing twinned crystals present. No damage to note, only some very slight micro chipping p… More info
Product Code: fl205
Fluorite Cave-in-Rock District, Hardin County, Illinois 4.8 cm x 3.1 cm x 2.7 cm Here is a really nice Illinois specimen. It is a hard one to photograph and is even better in person. A great cluster of purple zones fluorite, many zones can be seen on even the smallest crystals. The specimen has a small amount of matrix running through it. Some contacting on th… More info
Product Code: fl163
Fluorite, Stoneco Auglaize Quarry, Junction, Paulding Co., Ohio 7.4 cm x 4.4 cm This beautiful cluster of fluorite crystals is larger than most from this local. The largest cube is 1.9 cm. There is some interesting penetration twinning visible. On the left side, you will see some crystals with the large colorless edges that so many are familiar with from this locale. … More info
Product Code: wit102
Witherite Minerva #1 Mine Cave-in-Rock District, Hardin County, Illinois 3.5 cm x 3.4 cm x 2.6 cm Here is a super nice specimen of this barium carbonate mineral. Wonderful sprays along with stacked crystals give this a great overall look. A very translucent specimen. Only contact is on the back and very bottom tip from where it was removed, none can be s… More info
Product Code: fl153
Fluorite w/ Galena Rogerley Mine, County Durham, England 12.4 cm x 7.16 cm x 4.5 cm Here is a nice larger specimen of Fluorite with Galena from the famed Rogerley Mine. Very high UV fluorescence as with most fluorite from the region. This piece has some nice daylight fluorescence, especially in the larger cubes. Good amount of twinned and inter-grown cry… More info
Product Code: fl89
Fluorite on Sphalerite, Annabel Lee Mine, Hardin County Illinois. 5.19 cm x 4.81 cm x 2.40 cm Here is a great specimen of color zoned Fluorite on Sphalerite. At first glance you would not think this to be from this mine, however the give away is the Blue first generation of growth in the crystals. Although the crystals are small, (largest measuring 8.4 mm) the core of the crystals are blu… More info
Product Code: fl227
Fluorite on Amethyst (The Snail) Nashik District Maharashtra, India 8.38 cm x 3.80 cm x 3.80 cm Here is very unusual fluorite formation from India. I call this specimen "The Snail". A botryoidal mass of fluorite formed atop of a layer of pale amethyst crystals. These amethyst crystals formed atop of a layer of chalcedony. All of the minerals ha… More info
Product Code: fl246
Fluorite & Quartz Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico 6.85 cm x 4.3 cm x 4.0 cm Here is a beautiful and unusual fluorite combo for the Blanchard Mine. This single large fluorite cube has a pale blue-green coloring. It appears mostly light green and is light blue up near the top edge. Depending on how it is viewed, it can even look teal in color. … More info
Product Code: cf12
Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 6.0 cm x 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm Here is a really interesting specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, small calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of a grouping of … More info
Product Code: fl201
Fluorite Stoneco White Rock Quarry Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio 8.2 cm x 7.0 cm x 5.4 cm Here is a really amazing clay center specimen. This piece comes from some new workings this past year. The piece hosts at least 2 generations of fluorite that both have a different color of iridescence. On the left side the iridescence has a golden sheen, and on … More info
Product Code: fl212
Fluorite White Sands Prospect Hansonburg District, Bingham Socorro County, New Mexico 10.46 cm x 7.92 cm x 6.40 cm ex. Charles F. Lewis collection Here is a really great specimen of fluorite from this region of New Mexico. Fluorite cubes up to 3 cm cover this matrix of fluorite, calcite and quartz. The fluorite crystals are many shades of blue and purple… More info
Product Code: fl250
Fluorite, Aquamarine, Schorl, Quartz on Feldspar Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia 4.9 cm x 3.8 cm x 3.7 cm Here is a beautiful multi mineral specimen from this region of Namibia. It has beautiful multi colored fluorite on feldspar, with aquamarine, shorl and quartz. From the look at the formation and inclusions, it would appear that the aquamarine and scho… More info
Product Code: fl254
Fluorite w/ Dolomite Penfield Quarry Penfield, Monroe County, New York 4.6 cm x 3.8 cm x 3.4 cm Here is a beautiful specimen of fluorite from the sought after location. A single crystal of clear, bluish purple fluorite sits nested on matrix, with many crystals of dolomite. The crystal measures 1.4 cm across and is very clean, allowing yu to view the slight red… More info
Product Code: fl191
Fluorite Diana Maria Mine Weardale, County Durham, England 13 cm x 11.2 cm x 6.0 cm, 812 grams Here is a beautiful specimen of fluorite from the Diana Maria Mine. This is a large cluster of well formed cubes, up to 5 cm. They have high luster corners and show etching in the hoppered growth centers. They have a nice purple coloring with some fai… More info
Product Code: fl186
Fluorite, Schorl, Aquamarine, Microline Erongo Region, Erongo, Namibia 9.8 cm x 9.1 cm x 6.8 cm, 356 grams Here is a wonderful multi mineral specimen from the Erongo Region of Namibia. The combination of the purple and green color zoned fluorite, along with the schorl and aquamarine, nestled withing the matrix of microline, make for a stunning specimen. … More info
Product Code: fl165
Fluorite, Galena, Sphalerite Denton Mine, Rosiclare Level, Hardin County, Illinois 11.46 cm x 8.4 cm x 7.1 cm , 820 grams Here is a great multi mineral specimen from this well known mine. Amazing penetration twinning present with fluorite cubes put to 4.8 cm. The fluorite colors a pale compared to most Denton Mine pieces, mostly due to zones of white / col… More info
Product Code: fl167
4) Fluorite Specimens, Moscona Mine, Solís, Corvera de Asturias, Villabona mining area, Asturias, Spain Each of these 4 fine specimens where hand chosen for their uniqueness and or beauty. All are quite showy. Selling as a single lot. #1) Fluorite w/ Barite, 7.0 x 5.4 x 2.5 cm, 98.4 grams The front of this very aesthetically pleasing mounded plate, … More info
Product Code: fl140
Fluorite Annabel Lee Mine Cave-in-Rock District, Hardin County Illinois 8.3 cm x 6.2 cm x 5.4 cm Here is a beautiful specimen of multi color zoned fluorite from this famous mine. Wonderful purple edges frame these yellow fluorite cubes. The inter-grown and twinned cubes have some great luster and transparency. Some chalcopyrite crystal are… More info
Product Code: cf14
Calcite w/ Fluorite coating w/ Hematite included Fluorite Tres Marias area, San Antonio Mine Santa Eulalia Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico 4.0 cm x 3.4 cm x 2.3 cm Here is a wonderfully aesthetic specimen from this small but unique find. Beautiful, calcite scalenohedrons coated with a micro crystal dusting of purple fluorite, sit on top of… More info
Product Code: fl182
Fluorite on Sphalerite, Penetration Inter-Grown "Dissolution Boxes" Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee 4.26 cm x 3.9 cm x 2.3 cm They say good things come in small packages, and sometimes amazing things come in small packages! This might be on the small side, however it has amazing aesthetics! Here is an extremely nice example of the fluo… More info
Product Code: fl155
Fluorite with Sphalerite on Dolomite, Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee 5.7 cm x 5.5 cm x 2 7cm Here is a beautiful fluorite specimen from the famous Elmwood Mine. It is a very aesthetic specimen, very 3 dimensional. This amazing specimen has clear, well zoned cubes of fluorite to 2.5 cm in diameter. There is some twinning and intergrowt… More info
Product Code: fl211
Fluorite with Calcite & Barite Rosiclare Mining District, Rosiclare Shaft, Rosiclare Vein, Rosiclare, Hardin County, Illinois, 20 cm x 10 cm x 6.6 cm, 1.99 kg ex. William A. Wilson Collection Here is a large beautiful specimen of Fluorite with Calcite and Barite. It is a beautiful display specimen. Large inter-grown cubes of fluorite that are sharp, and we… More info
Product Code: sph1
Here is one amazingly beautiful specimen of gem sphalerite and calcite from the famous Elmwood Mine in Smith County Tenn.. This wonderful specimen is out of an old collection and was recovered many years ago. I have not seen any specimens like it from the mine. The cabinet size specimen is just a mass of all gemmy sphalerite crystals, with very high luster, some up to 1.5 cm in length. … More info
Product Code: wit103
Witherite with Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin County, Illinois ex. William A. Wilson Collection 12.4 cm x 8.24 cm x 5.89 cm, 626 g. Here is a wonderful, cabinet size specimen of this not so common mineral. You don't often see such a large grouping of crystals on a single specimen. The Witherite is translucent to transparent in areas, beautifully twinned and stacked in… More info
Product Code: fl177
Fluorite with Calcite & Chalcopyrite Hardin County, Illinois 12.46 cm x 10.05 cm x 8.17 cm , 980 gr. I call this one "Purple Ice" This specimen of purple and blue fluorite has the look of cracked ice cubes, with a Purple, blue and pink coloring. It was very difficult getting photos that adequately show this amazing specimen, I believe the video doe… More info
Product Code: fl209
Fluorite with Quartz La Viesca Mine Huergo, Siero, Asturias, Spain 17.5 cm x 15.1 cm x 13 cm, 2.7 kg / 5.15 lbs Here is one Amazing large cabinet size display specimen from this famous Spanish locale. This beauty has so much going on, it is hard to know where to begin. This specimen consists mostly of beautiful purple fluorite along with clusters of very high … More info
Product Code: afk1
Fluorite on Aquamarine Erongo Mountains, Namibia 5.58 cm x 4.6 cm x 3.0 cm Here is an amazing specimen of Aquamarine and Fluorite from the Erongo Mountains in Namibia. This Aquamarine is a good size, with nice coloring. The top of the crystal is terminated. On the top termination, is a great grouping of inter-grown fluorite crystals. It appears that the fluori… More info
Product Code: fl222
Fluorite & Chalcopyrite Cave-in-Rock District, Hardin County, Ill. 10.94 cm x 9.93 cm x 7.5 cm Here is one amazing top end specimen of fluorite. Large inter-grown cubes of fluorite make up this beautiful specimen, up to 6 cm. It has some etched surfaces that have very high luster. This amazing yellow fluorite has blue with purple outer zoning filled … More info
Product Code: fl221
Fluorite and Quartz Okorusu Mine, "Pit A", Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia. 11.30 cm x 10.48 cm x 5.80 cm Here is a large, impressive specimen from this famed mine. Beautiful multicolored fluorite with sprays of quartz crystals. Amazing color zoning throughout with the inner color zones also having purple corners, very unique. W… More info
Product Code: fl244
Fluorite w/ Muscovite Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia 15.3 cm x 10.24 cm x 5.0 cm Boy, they dont get much better than this! Here is an amazing large cabinet specimen of Fluorite with Muscovite from the Erongo region of Namibia. This specimen has no matrix, the plate is made up of only fluorite and muscovite. It is covered in 100s of beautiful cuboctah… More info
Product Code: fl223
Fluorite Okorusu Mine, "Pit B", a 2009 find. Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia. 9.4 cm x 6.6 cm x 4.5 cm Here is one amazing Okorusu fluorite. It has beautiful inter-grown and twinned crystals of fluorite, that have amazing color and wild zoning. Beautiful purple to blackberry coloring of the zones in this specimen, back lighting … More info
Product Code: fl226
Fluorite Okorusu Mine Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia 11.6 cm x 7.6 cm x 4.9 cm This is a wonderful cluster of large inter-grown and twinned cubes of Fluorite. The crystal twinning and inter-growth on this specimen is amazing. It has a few small sprays of quartz crystals also present. The date of discovery is not exactly known, however I was … More info
Product Code: fl179
Fluorite Minerva #1 Mine Hardin Co., Illinois 7.23 cm x 5.55 cm x 3.93 cm ex. Buck Keller Collection Some pieces are just so hard to let go of, and this is without a doubt one of those. I sold this about 5 years ago and recently was able to buy it back. This is one of the most sought-after fluorites from the Minerva #1 Mine, with its very gl… More info
Product Code: flk21
Fluorite Okorusu Mine, (Blue Diamond Pocket) Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia 11.6 cm x 6.2 cm x 5.5 cm, 544 Grams Here is an absolutely amazing cabinet sized specimen from newer production at the Okorusu Mine. The Best of the Best! This specimens comes from the well named "Blue Diamond Pocket", whic… More info
Product Code: flk22
Fluorite Okorusu Mine Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia 8.9 cm x 7.3 cm x 4.2 cm Out of an old collection, comes this beautiful fluorite from Okorusu. Here is a very impressive early specimen of fluorite from this famed mine. This is from an early discovery at the mine around 1984 which eventually became A pit. Amazing large … More info
Product Code: flk20
Fluorite Okorusu Mine Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia 11 cm x 6.8 cm x 6.2 cm Everyone is going crazy over Okorusu fluorite these days, well here is a top end early one that started the craze! Here is a very impressive early specimen of fluorite from this famed mine. This is from an early discovery at the mine around 1984 which event… More info